NAIA College Preview Series: #5 Texas Wesleyan
Texas Wesleyan hit the NWCA preseason rankings at #5. Photo courtesy of Dianne Bittle / Texas Wesleyan Athletics
by Jeremy Eusterwiemann
Twitter: @wiems19
Texas Wesleyan is ranked #5 in the NAIA Coaches Poll. It does not take long to realize that Ray Bedford and the rest of the staff are boiling over with excitement for this upcoming season. They had a respectable finish at last year's National Championships, finishing in the top 15. With a closer look though you will see that a season-ending injury and grades kept three very talented wrestlers out of the line-up. The Rams litter the preseason individual rankings. The talent coming back and with one of the nation’s top recruiting classes, it is not wonder that the coaches cannot wait for their girls to step on the mat. Do not be shocked if come March Texas Wesleyan are in the title race until the very end.
Here is an interview I had with Rams coach Ray Bedford.
1. What are your reflections on last season?
Last season was a mixed bag of ups and downs. Losing #2 Lexi Basham early to a season ending injury in a #1 vs #2 definitely hurt. Losing two more ranked ladies to academic issues didn’t help. That being said the ladies that finished the season really showed up and carried us to a postseason 14th place finish at Nationals with only four competitors. From a coaching perspective, I couldn’t ask for more.
2. Talk about your returning class. Who are some of the women you have high expectations for this year?
The returning class includes those four ladies mentioned above, Madison Brown—preseason #3 will be in the mix for the title again this year; Camille Fournier—preseason #3 went undefeated during the regular season last year will also be in the conversation, Mea Mohler—preseason #2 is just plain tough and will challenge for the title, Lexi Basham—preseason #4 should be higher as she soundly defeated a couple that are ranked above her last year. I think the Figueroa vs Basham match will be the one to watch this season. Gracie Lafferty [also] beat a couple of ranked ladies at Nationals last year, losing a close on in the blood round. It’s insane to think that these ladies are going to be around for the next 3-4 years. Trust me, it’s a great problem to have. We are blessed.
3. Talk about your incoming freshmen class. Who do you expect an immediate contribution from?
This freshman class is arguably the best in the nation this year (#4 recruiting class – All Divisions) so saying I’m excited is an understatement. With seven of them nationally-ranked this preseason with four in the top 10 definitely sets us up for success. Some of these ladies will make an early impact and could make a real run at Nationals—Jasmine Godinez, Devin Patton, Leilani Hernandez, Brittyn Corbishley, Ashley Lekas, and Hannah Francis all have what it takes to make a mark this year.
4. How do you feel about your preseason?
Our preseason is tough. We tend to weed out those that aren’t truly committed, but this season, refreshingly, we witnessed much less attrition than previous. This group of ladies have really gelled and are committed to the goals they set for themselves both athletically and academically.
5. Talk about some of your team's goals this season. Are there any specific events you're excited about?
Goals? With 11 out of 12 ladies ranked our goals might be considered lofty, and although there are some tough teams in the top 5, we really believe we have a legitimate shot at a title in our third. We are really looking forward to the Missouri Valley Open this season and of course our first trip to National Duals where we may find out where we really stand this season.
6. What are some things you've built into your program that you credit for the success you've had so far?
From the beginning, my goal here was to keep as much Texas talent as possible in Texas, and I think so far, we’ve accomplished just that.
What we have built here so far is a real sense of Family - The love, respect, and support it takes to grind out a season or a career in this sport and in life.
A real emphasis on Commitment - What that means to each individual and what are they willing to do to achieve the goals they have set for themselves.
A real focus on Legacy - Who are you? What are you leaving behind for others to follow? We ask this question every day—“Are you willing to sprint if the distance is unknown?”
7. Who are some of the personalities in the room that are providing leadership and shaping your culture?
We’ve got personalities in spades, but the leadership comes from a few different individuals in different ways. The returners have developed into a true syndicate with each one providing their own brand of leadership. From Lexie Basham who is a consummate leader, focused, committed and driven in every aspect of her student athlete life, to Camille Fournier who leads by example, never takes a second off and always pushing the envelope, to Mea Mohler always with a quick joke to lighten the mood, to Madison Brown the academic leader and elder statesman, to last but not least Gracie Lafferty who will literally do anything she is asked. Jasmine Godinez and Devin Patton have developed into respected leaders from the freshmen ranks as well. They are all true believers in everything we are doing here and it shows.
8. Anything else you’d like to mention?
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the true heart and soul of this program, my assistant coaches, Jared Haberman and Jose Lazo, who daily not only contribute immensely to the development of our programs, but make me a better coach and better human. Our volunteer assistants Logan Savvy (NYRTC), Matt Dowler (EU) and Jordan Rogers (OSU) bring an experience and enthusiasm that can’t be quantified.
The Rams will bring their squad to the Missouri Valley Open on November 19-20.