All Women's Champs Opening Weekend Tourneys
From top (L to R, row by row): Row 1: Ashley Reed, Jasmine Godinez, Alara Boyd, Chamira Cooper, Row 2: Mateah Roehl, Sugey Ceja, Tiyahna Askew, Naomi Henry, Row 3: Sara Sulejmani, Cameron Guerin, Mea Mohler, Joye Levendusky, Row 4: Lexi Basham, Zoe Nowicki, Marissa Gallegos, Brooke Thurber. Photos courtesy of Sacred Heart Athletics, Texas Wesleyan Athletics, McKendree Athletics, Cumberlands Athletics, North Central Athletics, New Jersey City Athletics, Adrian Athletics, Colorado Mesa Athletics, UWSP Athletics.
East Stroudburg Open
101 Olivia Shore (Tiffin)
109 Mikayla Vega (Gannon)
116 Sugey Ceja (Tiffin)
123 Solana Mottola (Tiffin)
130 Naomi Henry (NJCU)
136 Zoe Nowicki (Adrian)
143 Kendall Bostelman (Wyoming Sem)
155 Jessica Johnson (Lock Haven)
170 Taryn Martin (Tiffin)
191 Ashley Reed (Sacred Heart)
Falcon Invite
101 Jasmine Sands (Unattached)
109 Jasmine Godinez (Texas Wesleyan)
116 Camille Fournier (Texas Wesleyan)
123 Marissa Gallegos (Colorado Mesa)
130 Mea Mohler (Texas Wesleyan)
136 Lexi Basham (Texas Wesleyan)
143 Heather Achterberg (Missouri Baptist)
155 Tiyahna Askew (Missouri Baptist)
170 Brittyn Corbishley (Texas Wesleyan)
191 Chamira Cooper (Cumberlands)
Pointer Women’s Open
101 Brooke Thurber (Wisconsin Stevens Point)
109 Pauline Granados (McKendree) & Natalie Reyna (McKendree)
116 Mateah Roehl (North Central)
123 Alisha Howk (Victory Wrestling Club)
130 Cameron Guerin (McKendree)
136 Sara Sulejmani (North Central)
143 Katerina Lange (Augsburg)
155 Alara Boyd (McKendree)
170 Joye Levendusky (McKendree)
191 Grace Kristoff (McKendree) & Jaycee Foeller (McKendree)